Supply and sell used pc, Lcd Monitor,Crt monitor, that is BundlePc. Using used pc, Lcd monitor and Crt Monitor which are in very good condition(just view our product in this blog) really save your company cost, beside the performance of the used pc,LCD monitor, Crt monitor that we provide are reliable and guarantee. Here we give you the scenario> For example your clerk just used computer for typing a letter, save documents and sometime's they want to play music and watch movies. < For just this task, the minimum requirement for the pc is Pentium 4 1.6, ram 256, 40gb hardisk, 15' LCD monitor/17' CRT monitor, keyboard and mouse. For these the cost is below Rm 600 per unit!!!! So? same with Cyber cafe runner, just buy used pc then upgrade it!! thats is smart way to reduce your cost!!!(^_^)
>>For now we have a store to keep the stock of Pc, LCD monitor and Crt monitor. We do not have physical shop, because we do business online for future. So for now, we ship what our customer want in Klang valley and Kuala Lumpur, For outside from that we do POS Logistic provide by pos malaysia.